
Compare Cities and Evaluate Your Energy Performance

Find out how similar cities have navigated the transition to smart/LED. 

VENNFROG maintains a proprietary geospatial database of all U.S. cities with a population of over 50,000. Our database, contains over 150 key indicators and statistics combined with a GIS component, yields data-driven insight into the current state of lighting and smart deployment across the U.S. and among private sector operators. VENNFROG also benchmarks cities worldwide to deliver decisions makers with comparable data regardless of location.

Evaluate your energy bill

Streetlighting typically accounts for 25-50% of the municipal energy bill. Streetlighting networks are generally unmetered, making it impossible to keep track of your energy usage.  VENNFROG will help you assess your utility bills, and ensure they are in line with the market trends both at a local and national level.


Technology and
Vendor Watch

Identify best-in-class technologies

As the urban technology industry grows, separate out the wheat from the chaff can prove challenging. Pie in the sky science and half-baked solutions are rife in the market. Promises are often unkept or at best partially kept.

Vennfrog is independent and vendor-agnostic. We are not tied to a specific manufacturer and conduct our own market research and tests. You can rely on our in-depth knowledge of the industry to screen out the duds and bring you the solutions that fit your needs in your budget.



Find potential revenue streams

While IoT sensors and telecommunications networks are more efficient and affordable than ever before, investing in smart city infrastructure remains a significant financial commitment. Turning your new data into revenue streams offers a way forward. Vennfrog helps municipalities monetize their assets and work various financing hypotheses including zero cost scenarios.